Nomadconsole : Designing an Adaptable Workflow Solution

UX Design

Project Overview

Nomadconsole is a flexible CRM software made for businesses on the move. It makes talking with customers easier and helps get work done faster, no matter where you are. With its easy design and helpful features, Nomadconsole keeps businesses connected and makes managing customer relationships simple, making it a must-have tool for modern companies looking for smooth CRM operations.

My Role

As a UX Designer for Nomadconsole, I identified user frustration with navigating through features efficiently. By simplifying menu structures and prioritizing commonly used functions, I aimed to enhance the overall usability of the platform. Through iterative design and user feedback, these improvements aimed to create a smoother experience for Nomadconsole users.

Enhancing Functionality
Throughout my work on the project, I tested and used the CRM software in real projects with coworkers to find out what wasn't working smoothly and what could be better. Plus, I organized moderated usability tests with specific users inside my workplace to really understand how they were using the software and what they thought about it. All of this helped us figure out what needed fixing and how to make the project work better for everyone.
Key Findings

Through hands-on experience and user feedback, several key pain points were identified, each highlighting opportunities for enhancing the user experience. Below are the identified pain points, along with descriptions of the approach taken to uncover them

Principal Solutions
Navigational Complexity
To address navigational complexity, Nomadconsole will feature a user-friendly interface with intuitive navigation menus, ensuring ease of access to all features, alongside extensive user testing to identify the most efficient menu structures, prioritizing frequently used features for quick access.
Customization Limitations
In response to user frustrations with limited configuration options, we'll expand Nomadconsole's customization capabilities, allowing users to tailor the software to their specific workflows, and provide user-friendly customization tools and guides, empowering users to personalize their Nomadconsole experience effectively.
Accessibility Challenges for Remote Teams
To tackle the accessibility challenges faced by remote teams, Nomadconsole will focus on making it easier for team members to access and use the software from anywhere. This involves improving how the software works for users who are not in the office, ensuring that everyone can use it effectively regardless of their location.
Managing Data Overload
Nomadconsole will implement data visualization techniques and introduce filtering and sorting options to manage data overload, presenting information in a more digestible format and helping users prioritize and focus on relevant data more effectively.
Onboarding and Training Needs
Nomadconsole will feature comprehensive onboarding materials, including tutorials, guides, and video walkthroughs, to help new users get started, with interactive training sessions or workshops offered to provide hands-on guidance and address specific user needs and questions during onboarding.
The design

After trying out different designs and gathering more feedback from users, we settled on the final version, here are a few screen examples.

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+351 929 221 168